omguh its geeee
"oh thats the place we put cash" the register looks fake, you check inside to see it is filled with monopoly money,
"thats my favorite poster reminds me of something cool!" you stare at the marching mippy but its time to carry on.
"thats one of our limited offer items" its an alien burger and it looks like mippy does this mean anything?
"thats our manager dont bother them too much I dont want to be fired" this short creature is your manager how strange.
"dont tell but sometimes I take stuff of the shelves when mippy isnt looking." what kind of store is this?
"I dont think those are actual food..." they arent even displayed on a plate and yet you want to try one.
"some guy ordered this and then disapeared its kinda scaring me" the pizza looks rancid you decide not to touch it.
"I dont think anyone has ever ordered the omelette." you dont think you would want to order it either.
"hey dont click meeee!"
this chair looks werid. You see a place to insert a code, a post-it next to it reads "posters, wigglers, dogs"
"omg are you okay what the heck!!" you start to think this was a bad idea...
"... we are so fired..." seems its the end for you.